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Winter Issue
Omaha Steam Retirement
Stock Cars 15001-15499 (odd) and (CMO) 25701-25499
The Wooden Axel Road, The CGW :”Winona Line”
Photo Section: F-Units
Motor Cars of the C&NW and CStPM&O, Part I. Issue available only in CD format.
Spring issue
From the Archives, 43700-437299 Covered Hopper Series, 64001-65003 (odd) Open Hoppers Series, by Joe Piersen and Ira Kulbersh
The North Wisconsin Road, by Kimberly Wallin
Photo Section; conducted by Jerry Huddleston
Operations at West Chicago- Then and Now, by John K Howell
Mr. Fairbanks Wallet, by Karl Piepenburg
A trailer Depot: Almond, Wisconsin, by Joes Piersen
Summer issue
Motor Cars of the C&NW and CStPM&O, Part 2
Doodlebug Junket – Minneapolis to Marshalltown
Bridges on the C&NW
2000 Annual Meet – Ames
Fall issue
The Omaha in the Twin Ports, by John Gaertner
D-Day in Albert Lea, by Dennis Holmes
75001-Series Gondolas; from the Archives, by Joe Piersen and Ira Kulbersh
FM Automatic Coalers; from the Archives, by Joe Piersen
Coal Sources and Coaling Stations; from the Archives, by Joe Piersen
Photo Section; The Final GEs