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CGW Depots along the Corn Belt Route


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Originally published by the C&NWHS in 2004, this 96 page hard cover book is again available from the C&NWHS. This 96 page is profusely illustrated with photographs (8 pages in Full Color) along with maps, timetable listings, drawings, and a complete date base listing of every CGW Depot and a thorough index.


From large impressive brick structures to small stone depots and miniscule steel pre-fab structures, this book covers the wide variety of depot structures on the CGW. Filled with photographs and drawings, this volume leaves no stone unturned, and is complete with a database that covers each town’s depot structures in detail. Exhaustively researched from the Archives of the Chicago & North Western Historical Society, and written by two leading CGW authorities, it represents thorough coverage of the life of the many depots on the CGW. This exciting book is organized by Divisions following original CGW timetables. Each chapter includes a detailed map where every CGW town name came be found. A superdetailed, cross-referenced index includes listings of every name found in the text, photo captions, tables, and on maps – superscripts quickly identify where to find photos, maps and timetable listings. Each chapter includes photographs, sketches, drawings, blueprints, and depot plans for many depots along the CGW.

Weight 3 lbs