Thank you for your support of the Company Store the past twelve months.
During the past few months, you might of notice that “new” products are being listed in the Company Store. These products were actually sitting on the Company Store shelves for over a year or more and for unknown reasons were never listed for sale. We have begun to list these products for sale in the Company Store. We are going thru one category at a time. We started with the DVD’s and added nine DVD’s for sale. Two of these additional DVD’s have already sold out and others are in short supply. We have started listing commerical models for sale. We do not wish to sell these models at Train Shows and compete against dealers. Nor do we want to sell them at our Retail Store in Union and compete agaainst the hobby shop at IRM. We have no plans to reorder DVD’s or commercial models when they sell out.
We have also put books on sale that we have a surplus of. So, please check out the Company Store regularly to see what new items have been listed for sale.